
Breed Standard

General Appearance
A sturdy dairy type animal, active and vigorous.   Showing femininity in does and masculinity in bucks and harmonious blending and correlation of parts.

Medium length, well balanced on neck.  Facial line dished or straight.  Polled or neatly disbudded.  Eyes set well apart, full and bright.  Ears erect and pointing slightly forward.  Muzzle broad and strong.

Does long and fine, blending smoothly into shoulders with or without tassels.  Bucks well proportioned and strong.

Strong.  Straight and horizontal from withers to hips.

Fine withers.  Set well into shoulders which should blend firmly.  Chest wide and deep in bucks showing medium width and depth in does.

Long deep and wedge shaped.  Proportionate to height.  Ribs well sprung.

Gradual slope from hips to tail.  Good width between hips and between thurls.  Rump long, broad and strong.  Pinbones wide and prominent.

Forelegs straight and parallel viewed from front and side.  Hindlegs strong and parallel viewed from the rear.  Hocks slightly bent when seen from the side.  Hocks well apart. Pasterns short and strong.  Hooves sound and well shaped.

Showing good capacity and shape.  Attached over a wide area.  High and broad at rear.  Strong at sides.  Blending smoothly into the abdomen.  Floor of udder slightly cleft.  Softly textured.  Skin colour fawn to dark colour.

Of adequate size for ease of milking.  Well attached at lowest point of udder.  Distinct from udder.  Set well apart.  Pointing down and slightly forward.

Rudimentary teats (Bucks)
Two.  Set wide apart.  Slightly to the fore and sides of the scrotum.  Of good size but not overdeveloped.

Well developed.  Evenly balanced.  Scrotum not unduly divided.  Carrying two testicles.

(At withers) Does 79cm.  Bucks 90cm.

Short and fine, with or without longer hair along the backline and on hindquarters, or longer overall.

Coat light fawn to dark chocolate (no preference for any shade) with white Swiss markings as follows: facial stripes from above eyes to muzzle and on muzzle edges and tips of ears, legs from the hocks and knees down, insides of legs to trunk, on rump and under the base of tail.  Facial stripes may fade on maturing bucks.  Skin fawn to dark brown (may be lighter under Swiss markings)

Differing from ideal
Horns.  Slightly raised bridge to nose.  Uneven tassels.  Indistinct facial markings.  Cream or fawn instead of white markings.  Small white spots on head or throat.  Spots at base of tassels or on the neck in place of tassels.  White hairs throughout coat.  Wry tail.

Lack of dairy quality.  Lack of milking capacity.  Lack of masculinity in bucks.  Size differing substantially from the ideal.  Uneven gait.  Low set ears.  Roach or sway back.  Weak or narrow chest.  Shallow body.  Steeply sloping rump.  Close hocks.  Dropped pasterns.  Poor feet.  Splayed toes.  Fleshly, pendulous or unduly divided udder.  Pocket in udder.  Small, thin, large, bulbous, ill-defined or unbalanced teats. Divided, uneven or unduly pendulous scrotum.  Excessively raised bridge to nose.  Small white spots on body (no larger than 30mm in diameter at registration).

Wry face.  Obviously overshot or undershot lower jaw.  Pendulous ears.  Double or supernumerary teats.  Supernumerary orifices.  Undescended testicles in bucks or one testicle only.  Lack of Swiss markings (except as specified).  Patches of white on the barrel.  Black or rusty black coat colour.  White or cream belly.  Pink skinned body or udder.  Intersex.