Application for Membership
Use this form when you apply for membership of the Association. Fill out the form and send it to the Registrar. A signature is required.
Goat Registration Form (Standard)
Use this form when applying to register goats. Please ensure that you sign the form where indicated. Send the form to the Registrar.
Show Entry Record Form
Use this form to record the goats that you are taking to the show in any season. It makes it much simpler for the Show Secretary and ensures that all your show points can be allocated.
Find Registration Instructions HERE.
Show Results Form
This form is for use by the Show Steward to send in the results of the show to the Show Secretary. Please complete and return as soon after the show as possible.
Classification Application
Use this form to apply to the Classification Convenor to be included in the classification tour. These are scheduled for around November each year. Your does must have kidded and bucks must be over one year of age. Refer to the Policies and Procedures section on Classification for full details.
Update of Goat Deaths
Use this form when you need to advise the Registrar of any deaths that have occurred in your herd recently.
Transfer of Ownership
Use this form when you are applying to transfer the ownership of a goat, and the transfer authority is missing from the registration certificate.
Service Certificate of Dam
Use this form when your doe is served by a buck who is not owned or leased by you. The owner of the dam should identify the doe by tattoos or microchip reader and sign the service certificate at the time of service.
Nomination Form
Use this form to nominate a member of NZDGBA for the office of Councillor or President.
Lease Form
Use this form when you are leasing an animal. Both parties are to sign the form and send it to the Registrar who will photocopy it and send a copy to each party.